Three Exercises For Stronger Calves

Three Exercises For Stronger Calves

100_1472.JPGBuilding strong calves is just as important as any other muscle group. After all, it is our calves that carry around all that other muscle mass we work so hard to build. However, for most people calf growth does not come easy. Our calves are worked all day, which makes training them much harder.

The gastrocnemius muscle, which gives the calf its rounded shape and the soleus, which is the flatter, longer muscle running underneath the gastrocnemius and lower down your leg, both need activation to give your legs that full powerful appearance. Incorporating these 3 exercises into your leg day will deliver bigger stronger calves.

1. Standing Calf Raises Adjust the padded lever of the standing calf machine to fit your height. Place your shoulders under the pads and position your toes facing forward, the balls of your feet should be secured on top of the calf block with the heels extending off. Raise your heels by extending your ankles as high as possible and flexing your calves, focusing on the range of motion. Hold the contracted position before going back to the starting position. Go back slowly to the starting position by lowering your heels and feeling the stretch.

2. Seated Calf Raises Because the weight of the upper body is rested on the seat, resistance is frequently added to this exercise. This exercise is performed from a seated position while the weight rests on the upper leg, just above the knee. The balls of your feet should be secured on top of the calf block with the heels extending off it. Raise your heels by extending your ankles as high as possible and flexing your calves, focusing on range of motion. Hold the contracted position before going back to the starting position lowering your heels and feeling the stretch.

3. Body Weight Calves Lifting a substantial amount of weight, such as your entire bodyweight, for a high number of reps provides ample stimulation to your calves. That’s right, no machines or weights necessary. Since you’re not using heavy weights, this exercise can be performed daily. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, aim to get all the way up on your big toe while flexing your calves hard at the top of the movement.

For more information on building bigger calves, strength training, improving your physique, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and looking to hire a personal trainer, contact us.

Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
