Should I Workout When I’m Sick?

Should I Workout When I’m Sick?

Should I workout when I'm sick - Top personal trainer Korbie Nitiforo answers

The Flu Spreads Easily

Lately it seems like you can’t turn on the news or scroll through social media without reading about yet another tragic flu related death and, chances are someone you know has already been wiped out due to this year’s strain and just how widespread it has been. This is one of the first years we’ve really seen that this widespread activity is everywhere. As a personal trainer, I am consistently stressing to my clients that one of the most important aspects in reaching their fitness goals and making changes to their physique is listening to your body. The question of whether to workout when you’re sick should be a no brainer.

I know nobody wants to skip a workout.  But if skipping a workout means giving your body a chance to recover from an illness, I would always rather you skip.  Discretion is the better part of valor!  And one of the reasons this year’s flu strain is so widespread is due to people going to work and workout while they’re sick and spreading germs everywhere. 

Be Considerate to Others

We must think of our fellow gym goers. Come on people, show a little consideration. Here you are, getting your workout on, coughing, sniffling, and sneezing all over the weights. Your germs end up all over the gym, on benches, mats, and even the water fountain. I’ve got news for you my friend, you are not getting one bit stronger by making it to the gym rather than staying home and resting. What you are getting, is other people sick!

Stay Home If You’re sick

I’ll send my personal training clients home if they show up to my gym sick. There is no point in working out if you have a cold or flu. You are feeling these symptoms because your body is trying to tell you something is wrong. Going to the gym and pushing yourself through a workout when you’re sick, even if it is only a minor cold, is doing your body more harm than good. I have to remind even some of my more experienced personal training clients; working out when you are feeling ill may actually prolong the illness. Our bodies work on a prioritization schedule.

So the next time you think you’re being tough by pushing through your workout while you’re sick, remember lifting is actually breaking down your muscle which awakens a stress response in the body. When we’re healthy, our bodies easily adapt to that stress and we recover and our muscles rebuild. Over time, this progressive adaptation is precisely what makes us fitter and stronger. However, when you’re sick, the stress of an intense workout can be more than your immune system can handle, exacerbating your sickness.

Listen to Your Body

So, listen to your body and the next time you are feeling under the weather, stay home, rest and I can guarantee you will be happy you did. You will return to the gym feeling stronger, more determined and completely motivated to crush those goals! For more information on how to proceed when you are sick, remaining healthy and happy or to reach your personal fitness goals whether it be to increase muscle mass, lose weight, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and looking to hire a personal trainer, contact us.



Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
