Habits That Increase Belly Fat!

Habits That Increase Belly Fat!

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as that stubborn belly fat.  It sits around your waist, makes your pants tight, and destroys your confidence.  If you have belly fat to lose read on.  I’ve compiled the following 5 habits that increase belly fat.

Belly Fat Habit #1: Too Much Sugar

Sugar is found in many of the foods that you eat daily. From breakfast cereals, to coffee drinks, to protein bars, to energy drinks…more items in your daily diet contain sugar than you’re aware of. All of these sugar calories add up quickly and translate into many pounds gained.Make it a habit to read the ingredients and the sugar count in the foods you are eating. Pay special attention to breakfast items, yogurts, protein bars and any item that is packaged. Avoid eating foods that contain added sugars as a part of your daily diet.

Belly Fat Habit #2: Daily Dessert

There used to be a time and place when desserts were reserved for Sunday evenings and special occasions. Not anymore! These days dessert has become a daily occurrence. Much like the first Belly Fat Habit, having dessert is another form of having too much sugar, and all those sugar calories rapidly turn to fat. Forget eating dessert everyday. Save desserts for cheat days and special occasions, and stick with fresh fruit as your daily after-meal sweet.

Belly Fat Habit #3: Bad Snacking

In recent years snacking has been named one of the best ways to maintain your metabolism, in order to burn fat all day long; and while there is some truth to eating small, high protein-high fiber meals frequently, for the most part all of this snacking has done nothing better than make us fat. Most snack items are crunchy and salty, 2 qualities that you’ll rarely find in a healthy snack, and contain loads of simple carbohydrates and, you guessed it, more sugar.

Belly Fat Habit #4: Daily Alcohol

Having that drink with dinner (or two, or three…) can quickly become a fast and steady habit. It’s easy to justify the drinks because you had a long, hard day and you deserve it. The alcohol takes your mind off of your troubles and loosens you up for a good time. However, all those alcohol calories are basically sugar, and all that sugar is going straight to your belly. (Beer belly, anyone?)

Belly Fat Habit #5: Lack of Exercise

This one is kind of a no-brainer, right? If you aren’t moving your body in a consistent, challenging way then you’re going to store body fat. Plain and simple. An effective, invigorating exercise routine is the ticket you need to dump that fat for good.

I’m here to help you simply and easily lose all of your unwanted belly fat. For more tips on habits that increase belly fat, or if you’re frustrated with your current level of fitness and looking to hire a personal trainer, contact us!


Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
