
3 Tips To A Tighter Waistline

3 Tips To A Tighter Waistline

IMG_67971.  Change your eating habits.  Eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, and poultry.  When eating out avoid foods which are deep fried, breaded, battered, and buttered.  Instead choose dishes that are baked, steamed, or broiled.  Also, be aware of the number of calories that are in the drinks you consume on a daily basis.  Did you know that a Starbucks Caffe Latte has over 220 calories?  And a McDonald’s regular iced coffee has more than 280 calories?

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How Young Is Too Young To Weight Train?

How Young Is Too Young To Weight Train?

IMG_0572A lot of parents are often reluctant to start their children on a weight training program.  Often this stems from the fear that weight training will affect a child’s growth plate hindering their growth.  So the most common questions that parents ask me are, “Is it safe for my child to lift weights and if so, what age is appropriate for them to start?”

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Should Women Workout With Weights?

Women and Weight Lifting

100_1526There are often many misconceptions women have about working out with weights.  Some women fear that their body will start to look bulky and masculine.  Others think that if they start weight training and then stop, their muscles will turn to fat.  There is also the myth that just doing cardio is the best way to burn calories and look fit.  The fact is that working out with weights is highly beneficial for all women for numerous reasons. So why should women weight train?

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Crossfit vs. Personal Trainer

Crossfit vs. personal trainer. Which is better? - Top personal trainer Korbie Nitiforo explainsCrossfit vs. A Personal Trainer

I recently had one of my personal training clients come back to workout with me again after taking a hiatus to try crossfit.  He told me that he needed a change and crossfit was appealing to him for a couple of reasons.  It was about half the cost of hiring a personal trainer and he could get his cardio and workout done at the same time.  Let us analyze the difference between doing crossfit vs. personal trainer.

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Weight Loss Tips for Your New Years Resolution

Weight Loss Tips for Your New Years Resolution

I see it happen every year.  The holidays come around and we have a tendency to overeat and gain weight.  Then for the new year, the most common resolution is to lose the weight we gained over the holidays.  Now wouldn’t it just be easier to not overdo it over the holidays?  LOL!  Well, if one of your New Years resolutions is to lose weight, here are a few weight loss tips:

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5 Tips for Quick Weight Loss

Tips for quick weight loss

5 Tips for Quick Weight Loss

Tip #1 Eat every 2 – 4 hours during the day. This means 5 or 6 smaller meals a day versus 2 or 3 larger meals. Doing this will help improve your body composition, energy levels, and overall health.

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Sleep Affects Obesity and Diabetes

Poor Sleep Patterns promote Obesity and Diabetes
America is a high stress society in which most people don’t get enough sleep.  We could be paying for it with our health.  Sleep 100_2739deprivation is linked to obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

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Personal Trainers Albuquerque

Personal Trainers Albuquerque


Attention personal trainers in Albuquerque: Do you have what it takes? As Personal trainers, we need to have a multitude of skills. You’re not just there to count reps! We have to be analytical, patient, persistent, organized, and and effective at motivating people. And personal trainers should enjoy working with different kinds of people and have a genuine desire to help people.

Look Like A Trainer

All personal trainers should look the part. If a personal trainer is out of shape, it won’t matter how many years of schooling or how many certifications they have.  Because nobody wants to hire a fat personal trainer. Personal trainers need to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to be a good role models for their clients. Lead by example. Being successful at this job takes work, talent, skill and experience.  You need to practice what you preach!

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Contest Preparation

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Korbie and Jojo Nitiforo lead the Albuquerque Personal Training team in contest preparation. They have each won several bodybuilding competitions around the country. Jojo has even won his IFBB Pro Card. Together, they have trained multiple winners of bodybuilding, fitness, figure, physique, and bikini competitions.



Are you interested in competing? Are you a competitor already that didn’t place as high or look as good as you wanted to? Are you confused about water depletion, carb depletion, and sodium depletion during the final week of contest preparation?

Then contact us today for your free consultation. Let our personal trainers help you bring the best physique you can possibly bring to your next competition.

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Training Innovations
2420 Midtown Pl NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 261-1253
